About Me

Hi everyone! I am Victoria, if you don't already know me. I am from Missouri, where I live with my wonderful fiancé, 7-year-old son, and 2 stepchildren. I suppose you could say that I am an over-achiever because aside from being a mom and a Beachbody Coach, I am also in nursing school (I graduate in September 2015).

I became a Beachbody coach because I have had a passion for nutrition and fitness since my early teens. I recall, at age 13, being overweight from years of taking steroids, which were used to treat the severe asthma that I had a young child. I remember saying to myself one day, "I don't want to be like this anymore." That day, my whole life changed. I ended up losing over 100 pounds over the next year by educating myself, changing my diet, and beginning an exercise regimen.. all on my own!

My fitness and nutrition 'expertise' has definitely come a long way in almost 15 years. Now, I don't only focus on good health just for myself, I also think about my family and how I want to be able to be the best mom and wife that I can be. I think about how I want to motivate my children to eat healthy foods and be physically active.

Lucky for you, I've decided that just helping myself and my family wasn't enough. I want to help others, even those that I've never even met, reach their nutrition and fitness goals. By becoming a Beachbody coach, I've been able to do just that. If you're ready to change your life, let me help you. You don't have to do it alone, like I did.

I am a real person.. A person who has struggled with my weight for most of my life. I have seen what can be achieved with hard work and dedication. I believe that you have what it takes! I believe in Beachbody. Now, it's up to you.

This is my current "Before & After". The picture on the left was taken in March of 2015 & the photo on the right was taken on August 1, 2015.

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